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Read A Guide to Therapeutic Child Care : Everything You Need to Know to Create a Healing Home MOBI, DJV


A Guide to Therapeutic Child Care is full of grounded advice on how to create a healing environment for children who have experienced early trauma, loss or neglect. Accessible in style, it explains how changes to everyday routine and the environment within the home can aid recovery. It helps you to understand the invisible factors at play, provides specific advice on how to create safe spaces (both physical and relational) and aids the development of key skills for children which may be lacking as a result of early trauma. By focusing on the common challenges that children in care face, such as settling in and making friends, and using case examples, it shows how the concepts presented can be applied in real-life scenarios. The book also highlights the importance of considering the needs of carers themselves. This book encourages you to think deeply about ways of understanding the relationship between a child, carer and their environment. It will be a valuable resource for residential child care workers, foster carers, kinship carers, social workers and new adoptive parents., A Guide to Therapeutic Child Care provides an easy to read explanation of the secrets that lie behind good quality therapeutic child care. It describes relevant theories, the 'invisible' psychological challenges that children will often struggle with and how to develop a nurturing relationship and build trust. Combining advice with practical strategies, the book also provides specific guidance on how to create safe spaces (both physical and relational) and how to aid the development of key social or emotional skills for children which may be lacking as a result of early trauma. Written with input from foster carers, the book is an ideal guide for residential child care workers, foster carers, kinship carers, social workers and new adoptive parents., Creating a Healing Home is full of grounded advice on how to create a healing environment for children who have experienced early trauma, loss or neglect. Accessible in style, it explains how changes to everyday routine and the environment within the home can aid recovery. It helps you to understand the invisible factors at play, provides specific advice on how to create safe spaces (both physical and relational) and aids the development of key skills for children which may be lacking as a result of early trauma. By focusing on the common challenges that children in care face, such as settling in and making friends, and using case examples, it shows how the concepts presented can be applied in real-life scenarios. The book also highlights the importance of considering the needs of carers themselves. This book encourages you to think deeply about ways of understanding the relationship between a child, carer and their environment. It will be a valuable resource for residential child care workers, foster carers, kinship carers, social workers and new adoptive parents.

Read book A Guide to Therapeutic Child Care : Everything You Need to Know to Create a Healing Home by Ruth Emond PDF, FB2

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